





My name is Deborah. I'm a mother, wife, minister and avid reader. My favorite genre is Christian Fiction. To me it is a lesson wrapped in a parable. I love supporting Christian authors. Even though Christian fiction is not the only genre I read it is the genre that has my heart and the one I'm most passionate about. I believe it is a form of ministry that is entertaining and edifying. If a Christian author can tap into the heart of God, the story can transcend entertainment and become anointed and to me that can change lives.

Debra has an incredible gift of reviewing books. Her descriptions let you "feel" what the stories are about, and her enthusiasm for reading is quite inspiring! Here are just a few of the books Deborah as reviewed:

Neighbours ... by Tracy Krauss


Oh my! I love Neighbours.

There is something refreshing about reading Christian fiction books from authors from other countries. They don't seem to allow the rules or boundaries that American Christian authors are hindered by to be a hurdle to them. They just write! It's wonderful and joyful to read a multicultural story where the author sees people as God sees them.

The characters in this story did not think twice about dating outside of their race and it was nothing for the author to have a black character who owned a country bar. Tracy Krauss showed us that Neighbours are made up of black, white, Asian, First Nation people and many more. It was a joy to get to know these Neighbours and I can't wait to read other volumes in this serial.

My Hope Next Door ... by Tammy L. Gray

When I started reading My Hope Next Door in the wee hours of the night I couldn't put it down. It made me think about whom do we as Christians really put our trust in when we've been hurt by those we think should know better or act better. It made me think that we may be wrapped so far into our pain that we just might miss an opportunity to lead someone to Christ and it made me wonder how willing we are to look pass someone's past mistakes or current ones to help them heal. If love covers a multitude of sins then what is wrong with the Christians?

As I was reading I kept thinking about how vital it is for Christians to see with their spiritual eyes. Stop living on the surface and go deeper. How many people are hurting around us? How many people want some help to shake off their demons? How many people just need someone to talk to? How many people need a shoulder to cry on without being condemned for how they feel? Oh, and what about sin, it was Katie Stone that said "Sometimes the consequences aren’t physical. Sometimes they simply chip away at the essence of who you are".

My Hope Next Door says forgive yourself, don't allow your past to make you it’s prisoner, be willing to face those you have hurt, trust in God and keep moving forward no matter how many times someone tries to cripple you by bringing up past mistakes.

I enjoyed this book experience immensely. Asher, Katie, Chad, the Stones, the Powells and many other characters made this story worth every hour and minute I spent reading it. 

                                            This Quiet Joanne Bischof

There are rare moments when you read a book and know what your review will be before you finish the book. Moments when you get to the end of the book and have no words because it would be like trying to describe a miracle you just witnessed. It's so magnificent that the person would have to had been there to know what you saw. Well, This Quiet Sky is that miracle and you will have to read it to know how special it is.

I cried, but I won't tell you why. All I can say is Tucker O'Shay is right about recognizing the moments God gives to us and we need to remember Psalms 118:24.
            Never Judith Rolfs 
This story is GOOD! No, it is not good, it is BRILLIANT and AMAZING. It kept me on my toes with all the twists and turns. The knowledge and wisdom that the author drops about relationships is refreshing. And the mystery was superior and it kept me wondering about the murderer. I wanted to know who caused this person so much pain and sorrow that they think murder is the only option.

The book ministered to me in so many ways through the character of Dr. Sarah that I often found myself saye "Yes, that is so true". Isn't this what Christian fiction is suppose to do? Minister to your soul in some form or fashion. Dr. Sarah is the counselor everyone needs. I love how she knew that God plays a major part when it comes to counseling.

I highly recommend this book.