The Living Miracle (a love story) ... by Donna D. Vaal

Is Izanagi Okamura a monster or just a man afraid to die?

There is a new world without God, sorrow or love for others, only self. One man attempts to control life. Another tries to reintroduce it.

Hiroto Okamura is given a doll, L4-13354, for his birthday. He quickly discovers that she is special. Together, they struggle to hide her secret until it is time to reveal her true existence.

A greedy perfect world; the choice between morality and covetousness; and the created life that will change everything.

This story takes Hiroto on a journey through life, love, passion, death and spiritual growth. The devotion these two innocent children share is both pure and enduring as they fight to remain together. Follow them as they travel the world telling their story and restoring the Christian faith.


Donna D. Vaal is the self-published author of The Living Miracle: A Love Story.
Debra Sue       
This is definitely a book for the mature reader. The way the author describes the workings of the human body is very detailed, and the interaction between the characters is unlike most traditional situations that you find in typical novels. Vaal’s Sci-Fi story shows how the characters find faith and understand that God’s purpose will always be found, even in the most unlikely circumstances.

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