Blessed Are the Contrarians: Diary of a Journey Through Interesting Times ... By S.R. Piccoli
Blessed are the contrarians, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. But they must be very, very careful in these Interesting Times! Contrarians are those who go against the current (as the dictionary states), who take opposing stands from the majority: in the stock markets they buy when others sell and vice-versa; in religious matters, if they are Christians, they continue to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, in spite of the Zeitgeist, and if they are not they have the utmost respect for what Christianity is all about and for its contribution to civilization. In matters of culture, education and lifestyles, they are “old-fashioned” while the rest of the world seems to be hell bent on transmuting order into chaos. This book is a kind of diary of a journey through our time—politics, culture, lifestyles, worldviews, etc.—and back home again, where “home” stands for a sense of belonging to something stronger than the spirit of our times. In other words what this book represents is a sort of explanation—though not a systematic one—of why the Author disagrees with certain mainstream views in several domains. And this from a conservative and Christian point of view, that is to say the perspectives that come under severe attack from secular and progressive ideologies, the over-influential schools of thought of our time.
Blessed Are the Contrarians: Diary of a Journey Through Interesting Times by S.R. Piccoli was quite the eye opener for me. It revived old memories of past events, some that I could relate to and some new enlightening facts. After reading the dedication I knew this was going to be a most unusual read for me.
The diaries are compilations of his past blogs of actual current events at the time of writing these blogs, infused with his point of view. "The "diary" entries are not arranged in any chronological order, but in accordance to subject pertinence."
Piccoli is an extraordinary writer and sometimes a bit over my head as I am not a very detailed related reader, but these blogs where brimmed with various opinions and facts and a few stood out for me. Loved the blog about the Monks (who will replace them), the Shroud of Turin, and the Saudi Women's sexy eyes.
A few thoughts were given on Obama, Rubio and Romney and human cloning...nicely done.
I recommend Blessed Are the Contrarians: Diary of a Journey Through Interesting Times by S.R. Piccoli for readers who enjoy bits and pieces of current history presented in a casual format.

Amazon Review
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