A Christian Cozy Mystery

Foreclosed: A Mitzy Neuhaus Traci Tyne Hilton

Mitzy Neuhaus is the top selling Realtor in Portland, but even her office is dead in this economy. Foreclosed is the word no homeowner wants to hear and Mitzy is determined to save the incredible mansion on her street from that fate. But with the homeowner desperate to keep Mitzy away from his property and Alonzo, the dangerously hot rival investor trying to snatch it out from under her, Mitzy knows she has to work fast, or the economy won’t be the only thing dead…

A fun cozy mystery. The lead character, Mitzy Neuhause, is what one would get if Legally Blond were about real estate. She is well-intentioned, beautiful, slightly clueless, and really, really good at w
hat she does - which is selling homes in Portland, Oregon.


Mitzy Newhaus, the main character in this cozy mystery, Foreclosed:A Mitzy Neuhaus Mystery by Traci Tyne Hilton is a good hearted Realtor, who battles the poor  housing market economy but still tries to keep her employees stable with a steady income.  Her main rival is the heart throb Realtor Alonzo, who happens to be competing for the same Victorian mansion which is almost in foreclosure.

I found this book slow to start, with many facets dealing with the real estate business which didn't keep my interest. The interaction  with the secondary characters was not fleshed out.  By the time the mystery started, I was about half way through the book.

A little bit of flirting, but even the small of amount of romance didn't seem to carry the story. This book has all the right elements for a cozy mystery, but not the pace or the total interaction of all the characters.

I would say that this mystery could fit the bill for some cozy buffs, but for me, a little to slow, a little to late.                              

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